Lesson Plan for "Magnets" (small groups) I. Objectives - SWBAT 1. Identify materials that will be attracted to a magnet. 2. Chart predictions and outcomes of experiments. II. Materials - 1. Various objects that represent several materials: including different metals, cloth, wood, and glass. 2. Several magnets, at least one for each child in the group. 3. Ditto chart for recording predictions and outcomes. III. Procedure- 1. Motivational Plan a. Ask children to think of and share anything they know about magnets. Have a short discussion on the things mentioned by the children. 2. Steps of the Lesson a. Give each child a ditto chart and pencil. Discuss the chart and explain how we will use it. "in the prediction column we will draw a happy face if we think the magnet will attract the item and a sad face if we think it won't. In the results column we will draw a happy face if the magnet attracted the item and a sad face if it didn't." b. Select one item at a time and have the children chart their predictions. Have the first child test the item by touching the magnet to it. Then have each child chart the result. Continue procedure until all items have been tested, having the children take turns testing the items. 3. Closure a. Look at charts and discuss predictions and results. b. Brainstorm other items that would be attracted by the magnet and those that would not and why. 4. Independent Practice a. Allow children time to use the magnets to explore areas in the classroom and search for items that will be attracted to the magnet. IV. Evaluation 1. Teacher observation of children's predictions. 2. Teacher observation of children brainstorming items that will/won't be attracted to the magnet and their explanations.